Thursday, July 17, 2008

Upside of Culture - Bring on the light.

You most likely haven't heard of Stuart Haygarth, but if heaven forbid you hadn't read this post, in the next year you most definitely would have. Or at least I would hope so. Think Damien Hirst meets Terence Koh minus the egos. Well no I take that back, the only thing I think he shares with the two is a fresh creativity. He started off as a designer but has also grown into an artist. He's the world's neatest scavenger, collecting discarded items, sorting and turning them into brillant pieces.

I first saw his Optical and Spectacle chandeliers a lil' while ago and was very impressed. At first glance I would have never thought it was made up of give or take a thousand unwanted eyewear lenses. From what I've read and seen his other works are just as compelling. I'm excited to see more from his Dungeness Project, where he creates work from washed up shoreline items. Like his Barnacle series, a push into sci-fi sculptural art. I could stare for hours.

Lost goods, given worth once again. Most importantly I think Haygarth forces us to imagine if more people thought differently about waste goods. What amazing things wait to be found? Go now and check out his website :

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