"Now were comin' out, Out of our closets, Out on the streets, Yeah, were comin' out..." Lou Reed croons what I like to call the soundtrack to the end of yet another June. Though it's really the kick-start to summer, this is when it truly heats up. Pride festivities hit Toronto and sexuality and identity battle and dance it out for up to a weeks' time. The celebration usually takes off on the Friday and doesn't stop till early Monday morn'. And although it can get a lil' corporate at times, it's still a highlight to the summer in the city. Big or small there is always too much to do in sooo little time. Over the next three days here are some events that you must make it out for:
Friday June 27th
- Seniors' Pride on the Island.
Join 50+ Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Tanssexual/Transgender/Intersex/Queer/Questioning/2Spirited Peoples seniors and their families for festivities on Ward's Island including a lunchtime BBQ($7). It makes us happy that events like this one geared to all ages are happening, these folk are the reason Pride exists.
- Frydaze at Gladstone Hotel - Melody Bar
Various art exhibitions, live music by Shitt Hott and Satans Candy with "Boylesque" male burlesque dancers. http://www.gladstonehotel.com/events/
- Vazaleen : Shame - Wrongbar
If you got tickets to Will Munro's infamous art/dance night you're very lucky. It happens once again this time with headliners SSION who are said to put on an untouchable performance.
- Congorock + Leif - The Drake Underground
Dance your brains out. Nuff said. http://www.thedrakehotel.ca/events/6640/pride-congorock-leif-stop-die-resuscitate-dj-geoff-snack
Saturday June 28th
-Pride and Remembrance Run - Church & Wellsley
While the rest of us are nursing hangovers and munchin' brunch, these awesome folk are out running to raise money for Youthline Outreach Program and the Inside Out Queer Youth Digital Video Project. So get off yo' ass and cheer them on. Starts at 10am.
-Family Pride : Mask Making - Church Street Public School
Who doesn't want to get super silly and make a mask that you won't take off till Monday morning. 12-1pm.
-Dyke March
Because it's super important that the march happens. For all the hype the parade gets these ladies really do march for pride.
Starts at 2pm. http://www.pridetoronto.com/dyke.php
-Big Primpin' House Party - The Drake Hotel Complex
Dance till you drop to the oh-so gay night of dancehall/electro/bling-hop/booty and more. $10 at the door, 8pm - 4am.
-Love is Love : Block Party - Levack Block 88 Ossington Ave.
A big ol' gay block party with DJ Barbi and DJ Dalia at the tables this party's got it goin' on! 10pm
- Church Street Stage Shows
All of Saturday and Sunday a ton of awesome bands play the spread out stages for free ta boot! Make sure to check out the Hidden Cameras Saturday at 11pm and Kids on TV and MEN(JD Samson and Johanna Fateman of Le Tigre fame) on Sunday at 3pm.
Sunday June 29th
-Pride Parade - Yonge Street
Through all the corporate sponsors and sunstroke, it's the lil' people that are the real attraction. Like the Gay Geeks and the PFLAG folk. They warm my heart. After the parade work your way over to Church St and take in the drag queen cat fights and a crowd that is rivaled only by Church St. during halloween.
If you've got any pride plans of your own you'd like to share, post them below in the comments. Sometimes the small get togethers/parties are the ones not to miss, most often they hold a deeper sense of community. See you on the streets...
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